Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Norton Grange - Isle of Wight

Sat 5th May 2007

Stepford Wives springs to mind!

We landed on IOW and proceeded straight to venue, where we noticed quickly the average age of the clientele to be about 80!

V.V nice apartments, posh resort but we knew we had to be extra tame this evening.

The concert room had a view across the Solent which was just like being in the South of France or somewhere, much clearer water than our side and hotter for some reason?

A View of Blighty...from a concert room in Wighty, the other day!

Our one spot was between the resident act and so what if no-one got up to dance? When we went to watch the residents afterwards, the place had emptied so we did well keeping them in.

Soul glow kept us amused on the karaoke [check our youtube channel] and I had to share a room with Chappie...who was missing his Mum, espesh at bathtime when his armpits needed washing!

But I don't know wot to do...Chappie, in the bath, the other day!

Guess who ended up trashed...again?

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